Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.详情
主演:西恩·威廉·斯科特,希罗·弗南德兹,拉奎尔·卡斯特罗,吉姆·克洛克,桑德拉·詹姆斯,Justine Skye,Tyler Dean Flores,Olan Montgomery,Noel Ramos,Alyssa Maria App,John D. Hickman,Nicole Signore,Ann Lucente,Lorenzo Beronilla,Laela Inthanongsak